Lina Becomes the First Informatics Engineering Untar Alumni to Receive Professor Degree

Prof. Lina, S.T., M.Kom., Ph.D. earned the title of Professor of the Faculty of Information Technology (FTI) Untar based on the Decree (SK) issued by the Minister of Education and Research. The decree was handed over by the Head of Higher Education Service Institution Region III (LLDikti III) Prof. Dr. Toni Toharudin, S.Si., M.Sc. at LLDikti III Building, Jakarta, Friday (8/12).

This achievement makes Prof. Lina as the first Untar Informatics Engineering Undergraduate Study Program alumni to obtain the title of Professor of Informatics Engineering.

Since childhood, Prof. Lina always dreamed of becoming a computer expert. For her, this professorship is the result of her dedication and love for her profession as a lecturer.

“When we have the enthusiasm in carrying out the role as a lecturer in the field of science that we love, as well as discipline in completing the Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi tasks, then the highest academic position as a professor can be achieved by every lecturer,” said Prof. Lina.

Prof. Lina hopes that more Untar lecturers will follow in her footsteps to become professors, and the establishment of Master of Information Technology Study Program at Untar can be realized soon.

Vice Rector of Untar Prof. Dr. Rasji, S.H., M.H. said that this achievement makes the number of professors that Untar will produce in 2023 to be five. In particular, Rasji expressed his appreciation to LLDikti III for providing support to Untar to get new professors.

Meanwhile, the Head of LLDikti III stated that the achievement of professors is a reflection of the quality of higher education. He hopes that the achievement of professors in Untar can continue to increase in the coming year.

In addition to Prof. Lina, there were ten other professors who received the decree in the event. Prof. Lina herself became the 91st professor in the LLDikti III region in 2023.

Prof. Lina obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering (FT) Untar, followed by a Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Indonesia. Both levels of study were supported by the Interest and Ability Search (PMDK) scholarship and the Untar Permanent Lecturer scholarship from Tarumanagara Foundation. Her study then continued at Nagoya University Computer Science Doctoral Program, Japan with a scholarship from the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho).

Prof. Lina has an achievement as one of the Global Faculty Scholars at Kauffman Foundation, USA for Entrepreneurship program. In addition, she also served as Assistant Dean II of FTI Untar for the period 2010-2014, Head of Untar Secretariat for the period 2014-2016, and Vice Dean of FTI Untar for the period 2018-2022. (KJ/AW/KJ)

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